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Here is a file for the Aior Default Font Changer Widget plugin. This file is written in Markdown format and provides a detailed overview of the plugin, its features, installation instructions, and other necessary details. Aior Default Font Changer Widget A WordPress plugin to set a custom Google Font for your website’s text, headings, buttons, and more. Easily configure the font from the settings page in your WordPress admin panel. Features • Set a custom Google...
Resource 'Wordpress Whatsapp Button Plugin'
Very easy wordpress plugin for whatsapp button left bottom side of your wordpress webside. Plugin works with mobile phone for Windows Whatsapp Desktop App you can get your country warning message. Just test with mobile. Enhance Your Website with the Aior Whatsapp Button WordPress Plugin Introduction:In today's fast-paced digital world, effective communication with website visitors is crucial. One popular messaging platform that enables direct and real-time conversations is WhatsApp...
XenForo Translation with Python: Step-by-Step Guide Translating XenForo language packs often involves repetitive or manual updates. By leveraging Python, you can streamline the process—extracting phrases from the XML file, translating them automatically, and then reconstructing a ready-to-import XML language file. This guide explains the workflow without diving into the script’s internal code. You can download and view the detailed scripts from Aiorcom’s Xenforo Python Translation resource...
Resource 'Xenforo Whatsapp Contact Button'
Xenforo WhatsApp Contact Button A Xenforo WhatsApp Contact Button is a floating or embedded button within a XenForo forum that, when clicked, opens a direct WhatsApp chat with a specified phone number. This button provides an easy way for community members or website visitors to contact forum administrators, support teams, or service providers in real time. Typically placed in a fixed position—such as the bottom-left or bottom-right corner of a page—it remains visible as users navigate...
Below is a step-by-step guide for installing Phalcon 3.4.5 from source and activating it under CloudLinux + DirectAdmin on PHP 7.3. Because CloudLinux does not ship Phalcon 3.4.5 by default, we’ll compile our own .so and then enable it via CloudLinux PHP Selector. Finally, we’ll show how to enable the extension specifically for a user (e.g., sikayetler), which is sometimes necessary when different users need different modules. 1. Have PHP 7.3 installed via CloudLinux (e.g., alt-php73). 2...
Thread 'How to create Django project with Pycharm?'
Create your project and then Open Pycharm terminal page with CTRL + F12 Write cd to go root folder of your project. Write code below to create project: django-admin startproject projectname Then you project will be created like below: