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Aior WordPress Custom Author Slug Changer

Aior WordPress Custom Author Slug Changer 1.4

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# Aior WordPress Custom Author Slug Changer

**Plugin Name:** Aior WordPress Custom Author Slug Changer

**Description:** Change the author base slug.

**Version:** 1.0

**Author:** aior.com

**Warning:** Please backup your system before use.

**Contact:** hi@aior.com for support.

## Description


This WordPress plugin allows you to easily customize the author base slug on your website. Change the default 'author' slug to a custom one of your choice, enhancing the personalization of your WordPress URLs.

## Installation

1. Upload the `aior-wordpress-custom-author-slug-changer` folder to the `/wp-content/plugins/` directory.
2. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress.
3. Navigate to the 'Author Base' settings under the 'Settings' menu in the WordPress admin area.
4. Enter your desired author slug and click 'Save Changes'.
5. Remember to clear any relevant caches (browser, caching plugins, server-side caches) for the changes to take effect.

**Warning:** It is recommended to backup your system before making significant changes.

## Support

For support and inquiries, please contact hi@aior.com.

Enjoy customizing your WordPress author base slug with Aior WordPress Custom Author Slug Changer!
First release
Last update


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