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Working Time Calculator Wordpress Plugin

Working Time Calculator Wordpress Plugin 1.3

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Introducing the Aior Working Time Calculator Plugin​

The Aior Working Time Calculator plugin is a powerful tool that allows you to easily calculate your working time and make informed decisions about your schedule. Whether you're an employee, a freelancer, or a business owner, this plugin can help you keep track of your hours and optimize your productivity.

Key Features​

1. Accurate Time Calculation​

The plugin provides an intuitive interface for entering your start time and current time. With just a few clicks, you can calculate your actual working time, including any overtime or shortfall. The plugin takes into account the normal finish time, maximum work time, and minimum work time, ensuring that you have all the information you need to plan your day effectively.

2. Customizable Email Notifications​

Stay informed and receive notifications about your working time directly to your email. The plugin allows you to configure a notification email address, ensuring that you never miss important updates or reminders. You can easily set up the email address through the plugin settings page.

3. Flexible Page Placement​

The Aior Working Time Calculator plugin seamlessly integrates with your WordPress website. You can choose a specific page where you want the calculator to be displayed, ensuring that it fits naturally within your site's layout. Simply select the desired page from the plugin settings, and the calculator will appear exactly where you need it.

How to Get Started​

  1. Install and activate the Aior Working Time Calculator plugin from the WordPress Plugin Directory or by uploading the plugin files manually to your /wp-content/plugins/ directory.
  2. Navigate to the plugin settings page by going to Settings > Aior Working Time Calculator in your WordPress admin dashboard.
  3. Configure the settings according to your preferences. Enter the desired notification email address, select the page where you want the calculator to be displayed, and save your changes.
  4. Create a new page on your WordPress site or use an existing one. Add the [working_time_calculator] shortcode to the page content.
  5. Publish the page and view it on your website. The working time calculator will be displayed in the designated location, allowing you and your visitors to easily access and use it.


The Aior Working Time Calculator plugin simplifies the process of calculating your working time, helping you manage your schedule more efficiently. Whether you want to track your own working hours or provide a convenient tool for your website visitors, this plugin offers a seamless and customizable solution.

Download the Aior Working Time Calculator plugin today and take control of your working time!
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