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Xenforo Whatsapp Contact Button

Xenforo Whatsapp Contact Button 1.2

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Xenforo WhatsApp Contact Button

A Xenforo WhatsApp Contact Button is a floating or embedded button within a XenForo forum that, when clicked, opens a direct WhatsApp chat with a specified phone number. This button provides an easy way for community members or website visitors to contact forum administrators, support teams, or service providers in real time. Typically placed in a fixed position—such as the bottom-left or bottom-right corner of a page—it remains visible as users navigate the forum.

Key Features

1. Real-Time Communication: Instantly connect users to an active WhatsApp number for questions, support, or general inquiries.

2. Customizable Appearance: Adjust the button’s size, shape, color, and position using simple HTML and CSS edits within XenForo’s template system.

3. Localized Icon Support: Many XenForo installations include local SVG icons (e.g., brands.svg), allowing the button to display a native WhatsApp logo without requiring external Font Awesome resources.

4. Predefined Messages: A short message can be prefilled (e.g., “Hello, I have a question about …”) to guide the conversation and streamline user engagement.

Typical Setup

Template Editing: Most administrators add the button’s code to XenForo’s PAGE_CONTAINER template to ensure the button appears on all (or multiple) forum pages.

JavaScript Integration: A simple JavaScript snippet can inject the HTML for the button into the page once it loads, providing a non-intrusive, floating element.

URL Configuration: The WhatsApp link uses the format<phone_number>?text=<encoded_message>. Phone numbers should include the country code, and the optional text can be URL-encoded to handle spaces and special characters.


Enhanced User Engagement: Users can quickly reach out to admins or support teams, resulting in faster issue resolution.

Improved Customer Satisfaction: Providing a direct and personal communication channel fosters trust and convenience.

Efficient Support Workflow: Real-time messaging helps administrators respond to questions or concerns more promptly than forum posts or emails alone.

Overall, adding a Xenforo WhatsApp Contact Button can significantly improve the communication experience on your forum, bridging the gap between traditional message boards and direct, real-time messaging.
First release
Last update


5.00 star(s) 1 ratings

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It's workin. you should put codes just before </head> codes.