1. Once you're connected to your server with SSH root user, navigate to the CustomBuild directory. By default, it's usually in the `/usr/local/directadmin/custombuild` directory. You can get there with the `cd` command:
2.Then, update all software with the code below.
Warning!: It will take serious time to update all and never disturb the process. Like 15+ minutes)
Also please try not to make updates at live web pages. Propably you will get error messages or you may get problems without warning message.
Here is the results:

After that you will not see any mode update alarm without update button at Directadmin.
cd /usr/local/directadmin/custombuild
2.Then, update all software with the code below.
Warning!: It will take serious time to update all and never disturb the process. Like 15+ minutes)
Also please try not to make updates at live web pages. Propably you will get error messages or you may get problems without warning message.
./build all d
Here is the results:

After that you will not see any mode update alarm without update button at Directadmin.
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