**Donate link: https://aior.com/donate
**Tags:** [author, name, change, posts, comments]
**Requires at least:** 6.2.2
**Tested up to:** 6.2.2
**Stable tag:** 1.0
**License:** GPLv2 or later
**License URI:** https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html
A simple WordPress plugin to change the name of the author on posts and comments.
## Description
The Change Author Name plugin is a simple yet powerful plugin that allows administrators to change the name of the author on posts and comments. This can be useful for site rebranding, author name corrections, and more. With a simple, intuitive interface, changing author names is quick and easy.
## Installation
1. Upload `change-author-name.php` to the `/wp-content/plugins/` directory
2. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress
3. Navigate to the 'Change Author Name' settings page under the 'Settings' menu
4. Input the old author name and the new author name you wish to update to
5. Click 'Change Author Name' to update the author names
## Frequently Asked Questions
### Does this plugin change the author name of only posts?
No, this plugin changes the author name of both posts and comments.
### Can I change the author name back?
Yes, you can change the author name back by putting the new name in the 'Old Author Name' field and the original name in the 'New Author Name' field.
## Changelog
### 1.0
- Initial release
## Upgrade Notice
### 1.0
Initial release