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Aior Wordpress Default Font Changer Widget

Aior Wordpress Default Font Changer Widget 1.6

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Here is a README.md file for the Aior Default Font Changer Widget plugin. This file is written in Markdown format and provides a detailed overview of the plugin, its features, installation instructions, and other necessary details.

Aior Default Font Changer Widget

A WordPress plugin to set a custom Google Font for your website’s text, headings, buttons, and more. Easily configure the font from the settings page in your WordPress admin panel.


• Set a custom Google Font for your website.

• Apply the font to:

• Body text

• Headings (H1, H2, H3, etc.)

• Buttons

• Input fields, and more.

• Simple, user-friendly settings page.

• Automatically adds the Google Fonts <link> to your site’s <head>.

• Works with any Google Font (e.g., Play, Roboto, Open Sans, etc.).

• Adds a Settings link directly in the Plugins page for quick access.


1. Download the plugin:

• Download the plugin ZIP file or clone the repository.

2. Upload the plugin:

• Go to your WordPress Admin panel.

• Navigate to PluginsAdd NewUpload Plugin.

• Upload the ZIP file and click Install Now.

3. Activate the plugin:

• Go to Plugins and activate Aior Default Font Changer Widget.

4. Configure the font:

• Go to SettingsAior Font Changer.

• Enter your desired Google Font name (e.g., Roboto, Play, Open+Sans) and save.


1. Open Settings Page:

• Navigate to SettingsAior Font Changer in your WordPress Admin panel.

2. Enter Google Font Name:

• Type the font name (e.g., Play or Open+Sans).

• Click Save to apply the font.

3. The plugin will:

• Automatically include the Google Fonts <link> in your site’s <head> section.

• Apply the selected font to all relevant elements (body, headings, buttons, etc.).


Example Font Names



Open+Sans (use + for spaces)



You can find font names directly on Google Fonts.


1. Settings Page

A simple form to enter the desired Google Font name.

2. Plugins Page

Quick access to the plugin’s settings via a “Settings” link.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. How do I find the correct Google Font name?

Visit Google Fonts, select the font you want, and look at the URL. For example:

• URL: https://fonts.google.com/specimen/Open+Sans

• Font Name: Open+Sans (use + for spaces).

2. What happens if I don’t enter a font name?

The plugin will default to the Roboto font.

3. Can I use multiple fonts?

Currently, the plugin supports one font across the site.

4. Does this plugin support font weights or styles?

By default, the plugin applies the standard Google Fonts link with display=swap. To include specific weights or styles, you can add them directly to the font name. For example:

• Roboto:wght@400;700 for regular and bold.


Website: aior.com

Email: hi@aior.com



• Initial release.

• Adds Google Font support for body, headings, buttons, and input fields.

• Simple settings page for font configuration.


This plugin is licensed under the MIT License. You are free to use, modify, and distribute this software as long as the original copyright notice is retained.


Developed by aior.com. For questions or suggestions, please contact us at hi@aior.com.

This file can be included in the plugin’s folder as README.md. WordPress plugins often use such README files for documentation and publishing on the WordPress plugin repository.
First release
Last update


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