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Python Dictionary Domain Checker

Python Dictionary Domain Checker 1

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The "Python Dictionary Domain Checker" is a Python script designed to read a list of words from a text file, check each word for specific Turkish characters or special characters, perform a WHOIS query on the remaining words, and log the available '.com' domain names into a CSV file. This tool is particularly useful for identifying available domain names from a large list of potential names.


  • Turkish Character Filtering: Filters out words that contain specific Turkish characters or special characters like 'ç', 'ğ', 'ı', 'ö', 'ş', 'ü', 'â', ' ', and '/'.
  • WHOIS Query: Performs a WHOIS query on each word to check if the corresponding '.com' domain is available.
  • CSV Logging: Logs available domain names into a CSV file for easy reference and further processing.


  • Python 3.x
  • whois Python library (can be installed via pip)


Before running the script, ensure you have Python installed on your system. You also need to install the whois library, which can be done using pip:

pip install python-whois

  • It relies on the WHOIS service, which may have rate limits or access restrictions.


Contributions to enhance the "Python Dictionary Domain Checker" are welcome. You can contribute by improving the script, adding new features, or fixing bugs. Please submit a pull request or open an issue to discuss potential changes.


This script is released under MIT License.
First release
Last update


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