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  1. Aior

    How can I start a render at Aftereffects?

    To start a render in Adobe After Effects, follow these steps to set up your project for rendering and export your finished project: Select the Composition Navigate to the "Project" panel and select the composition that you wish to render. Add to Render Queue When you right click your...
  2. Aior

    How can I describe separator, date and decimal symbol at Tableau ?

    Fighting with non standard separator, dates and decimals are a big headache for data analysis studies. Tableau may not understand separator or decimal symbol but you can describe it as below: Defining separator at tableau: You need to change data Locale according to rules of country. You...
  3. Aior

    How to calculate P-Value

    The exact formula for the p-value depends on the type of statistical test being used. However, we can outline the general process and provide formulas for a few common tests. General Principle The p-value is the probability of obtaining a test statistic at least as extreme as the one computed...
  4. Aior

    P-Value in Machine Learning: Understanding Its Significance and Limitations

    P value is shortly probability value. H0: Null hypothesis: No difference hypothesis, Zero hypothesis, null hypothesis. H1: Alternativ Hypothesis. P-value: Probability value. Generaly taken as 0.05 When P-value decrease H0's potential decrease When P-value increase H1's potential decrease...
  5. Aior

    This command has to be run with superuser privileges (under root user on most systems).

    When you connect your server via ssh or admin client you may get the failure message as below: The error you're receiving is because you're trying to run a command that requires administrative (or "root") privileges. The yum update -y command, which updates all the software packages on your...
  6. Aior

    How can I change admin password of whmcs?

    You can change the WHMCS admin password in two ways: 1. Through the WHMCS admin dashboard. 2. Directly in the database. Option 1: Through the WHMCS Admin Dashboard 1. Login to your WHMCS admin area. 2. Click on "My Account" in the upper right corner. 3. Here you can enter a new password...
  7. Aior

    Aior Wordpress DALEE API Plugin 1.0

    How to Use the Aior Wordpress DALEE API Plugin The Aior Wordpress DALEE API Plugin is a powerful tool that lets WordPress users interact with a custom API and display returned images. It creates a form that sends user-provided prompts to an API, and then processes and displays the images...
  8. Aior

    A simple WordPress plugin to change the name of the author on posts and comments. 1.0

    # Change Author Name ** **Donate link: **Tags:** [author, name, change, posts, comments] **Requires at least:** 6.2.2 **Tested up to:** 6.2.2 **Stable tag:** 1.0 **License:** GPLv2 or later **License URI:**
  9. Aior

    Aior CSV to WordPress Post and Comments Plugin 1.1

    === Aior CSV to WordPress Post and Comments Plugin === Contributors: aior Donate link: Tags: csv, import, posts, comments, upload Stable tag: 1.1 License: GPLv2 or later License URI: This is a simple plugin that allows you to...
  10. Aior

    Neural Network Data Modelling Methods

    Neural networks are the backbones of modern artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) industry. These systems, inspired by the human brain's architecture, have revolutionized numerous fields, from autonomous vehicles to facial recognition and language translation. The neural...
  11. Aior

    An Exploration into PCA Method Using Python

    Principal Component Analysis (PCA) is a statistical method extensively used for dimensionality reduction in the field of machine learning and data science. The method essentially transforms a large set of variables into a smaller one that still contains most of the information in the larger set...
  12. Aior

    How can I run custumbuild update with ssh for directadmin?

    1. Once you're connected to your server with SSH root user, navigate to the CustomBuild directory. By default, it's usually in the `/usr/local/directadmin/custombuild` directory. You can get there with the `cd` command: cd /usr/local/directadmin/custombuild 2.Then, update all software with...
  13. Aior

    Should I make a start up for building cleaning with drone?

    Starting a drone-based building cleaning startup could potentially be an innovative and lucrative idea as it combines technology with a necessary service. However, as with any startup, there are a variety of factors you need to consider: Public Perception: Drones can sometimes be perceived...
  14. Aior

    First 200 Series for Artificial Intelligence

    Artificial intelligence is on every street today. We talked a little bit about this in the movies section. Films about artificial intelligence can be watched longer and are more enjoyable productions. We have listed the top 200 most beautiful TV series about artificial intelligence that have...
  15. Aior

    First 200 Movies for Artificial Intelligence

    I know that you are familiar with artificial intelligence like dose. Here you can find top / first 200 Movies about artificial intelligence as below: Here is a list of notable films that feature the theme of artificial intelligence as of my knowledge cutoff in 2021. The list is not...
  16. Aior


    Megan is a successfull character that I did not feel for a long time, thanks for creators..
  17. Aior


    Megan Movie: A Pioneering Leap into New Cinematic Dimensions In the ever-evolving world of cinema, where storytelling is continuously challenging the status quo, "Megan" has burst onto the scene as a game-changer, shaking the very foundations of traditional film narrative and production. The...
  18. Aior

    A.I. Artificial Intelligence (2001)

    It's the best movie after matrix about artificial intelligence.
  19. Aior

    A.I. Artificial Intelligence (2001)

    A.I. Artificial Intelligence': Spielberg's Unorthodox Fusion of Humanity and Machine In the vast array of science fiction movies that have graced the screens over the years, few have left an imprint as distinctive and emotionally resonant as 'A.I. Artificial Intelligence' (2001). Conceived...
  20. Aior


    The Matrix: A Philosophical Journey into Our Perception of Reality "The Matrix", a cultural and cinematic landmark, blurs the boundary between perception and reality, a concept as old as philosophy itself. Coalescing computer science, hacker culture, martial arts cinema, cyberpunk aesthetics...