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  1. Aior

    Wordpress Whatsapp Button Plugin - Wordpress Whatsapp Button Plugin

    Read me file update.
  2. Aior

    Wordpress Whatsapp Button Plugin - Wordpress Whatsapp Button Blugin

    License agreement updated with readme.txt
  3. Aior

    Working Time Calculator Wordpress Plugin 1.3

    Introducing the Aior Working Time Calculator Plugin The Aior Working Time Calculator plugin is a powerful tool that allows you to easily calculate your working time and make informed decisions about your schedule. Whether you're an employee, a freelancer, or a business owner, this plugin can...
  4. Aior

    Django or Angular which framework is better?

    Comparing Django and Angular isn't straightforward because they are used for different aspects of web development and serve different purposes. Django is a high-level Python web framework that encourages rapid development and clean, pragmatic design, while Angular is a TypeScript-based...
  5. Aior

    How to create Django project with Pycharm?

    Create your project and then Open Pycharm terminal page with CTRL + F12 Write cd to go root folder of your project. Write code below to create project: django-admin startproject projectname Then you project will be created like below:
  6. Aior

    How to install Django to Pycharm?

    First create your project, in pycharm, Then Open Terminal from left down menu or use CTRL + F12 combination. Update pip version with code below: python.exe -m pip install --upgrade pip Then install Django with codes below: pip install Django You can check installation status with...
  7. Aior

    Wordpress Whatsapp Button Plugin - Setting Page Improvement

    Predefined messages added. Left, Bottom distance settings added. Icon size settings added.
  8. Aior

    Wordpress Whatsapp Button Plugin 1.9

    Very easy wordpress plugin for whatsapp button left bottom side of your wordpress webside. Plugin works with mobile phone for Windows Whatsapp Desktop App you can get your country warning message. Just test with mobile. Enhance Your Website with the Aior Whatsapp Button WordPress Plugin...
  9. Aior

    Directadmin file manager display problem

    When you try to install some application on your server you may remove or damage of some of your installation. Then its better you to re install, rebuild Direct admin with the code below: Normaly this folder location has files, lets correct this: Use putty to connect to your server: cd...
  10. Aior

    How to install elasticsearch to almalinux for xenforo with problem solving

    If you are having problems with installing elasticsearch to almalinux for xenforo follow the steps below: Stop Elasticsearch service: sudo systemctl stop elasticsearch Remove Elasticsearch packages: sudo yum remove elasticsearch Remove Elasticsearch configuration files and directories...
  11. Aior

    How to remove all java versiyons installed to almalinux

    If you have so much java versions you just remove with the code below: sudo dnf remove 'java-*' Please be carefull and know what you are doing with removing alla java versions: then it will remove all java versions. You can controll installed java versions with code below: rpm -qa | grep java
  12. Aior

    How to display all java versions installed at almanlinux

    You can display all java versions installed to almalinux with code below: rpm -qa | grep java Output will be like: its interesting to see that this much java versions is allready installed.
  13. Aior

    How to add excel file to Xenforo resources

    Normally you can not upload excel files to xenforo, you can adjust xenforo resources to upload excel files as below: Just add xlsx extension as below and save it, than you will be able to upload excel files to xenforo as an excel file.
  14. Aior

    How to add excel file to xenforo

    Normaly excel files are not defined to xenforo to upload as resource but you can do it easly as below: First Logind to Xenforo Admin Panel and navigate to Admin>Setup>Options>Attachments Then you can see that excel files are not alowed with current settings: You can add xlsx excel files...
  15. Aior

    How to change text to url with python in excel?

    Here you can find how to change a string (text) to url in python and save as a different file below: For example we have a domain name list written as a text and we want to change all of text to https://text url. Lets see example as below: Sample file is: We can do it manually or we can use...
  16. Aior

    ElasticSearch installation for AlmaLinux

    When you install elastic search note the output below for resetting elastic user: --------------------------- Security autoconfiguration information ------------------------------ Authentication and authorization are enabled. TLS for the transport and HTTP layers is enabled and configured...
  17. Aior

    How To Activate gmp at directadmin

    If you are using Xenforo at Directadmin you will need gmp module activation to use Trigger notifications to users. Activating gmp modile is quite easy at DirectAdmin. You can use follwoing codes with root access: cd /usr/local/directadmin/custombuild ./build set_php gmp yes ./build php_gmp You...
  18. Aior

    ElasticSearch installation for AlmaLinux

    Now we are ready to install Elasticsearch to Almalinux sudo rpm --import Use Nano again to edit the file with code: nano /etc/yum.repos.d/elasticsearch.repo Change the file with the codes below: [elasticsearch] name=Elastic repository for...