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How to disable spam comments at wordpress



Staff member

How to Disable Spam Comments in WordPress​

Step 1: Configure Discussion Settings for Future Posts​

In your WordPress admin panel, navigate to Settings > Discussion and either uncheck “Allow people to submit comments on new posts” or enable comment moderation to manually approve comments, ensuring new posts are less vulnerable to spam.


Step 2: Disable Comments on Existing Posts​

Next, go to Posts in the admin area and use Quick Edit for each post to uncheck the “Allow Comments” option, thereby preventing spam on older content.

Step 3: Utilize Spam Protection Plugins​

Install a trusted spam filtering plugin such as Akismet, Antispam Bee, or WP-SpamShield to automatically filter out unwanted spam comments.

Step 4: Add CAPTCHA to Your Comment Forms​

Implement a CAPTCHA system using plugins like Advanced noCaptcha & reCaptcha to verify that submissions are made by humans, reducing automated spam entries.

Step 5: Keep Your Site Updated and Secure​

Finally, regularly update your WordPress core, themes, and plugins, and consider a security plugin like Wordfence Security to further protect your site from vulnerabilities and spam attacks.

Theme customization system

You can customize some areas of the forum theme from this menu

Choose the color that reflects your taste

Wide/Narrow view

You can control a structure that you can use to use your theme wide or narrow.

Grid view forum list

You can control the layout of the forum list in a grid or ordinary listing style structure.

Picture grid mode

In the grid forum list, you can control the structure where you can open/close images.

Close sidebar

You can get rid of the crowded view in the forum by closing the sidebar.

Fixed sidebar

You can make it more useful and easier to access by pinning the sidebar.

Corner radius close

You can use the radius at the corners of the blocks according to your taste by closing/opening it.
