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This app is not accessible right now and the app developer is aware of the issue. You will be able to log in when the app is reactivated.



Staff member
When you try to use Facebook login you can see the failure message below:

This app is not accessible right now and the app developer is aware of the issue. You will be able to log in when the app is reactivated.

This does not mean that app developer is aware that. As an App developer other user can easily use facebook login option but some of them can not. This is not related with app developer settings but its about your account and facebook.

Most propobly your account is evaluated as suspicious by facebook and there is not a solution for now. This topic will be updated as soon as we find a solution for this problem.

You can try facebook login with a personal account and most propably login system will work.

Theme customization system

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Wide/Narrow view

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Grid view forum list

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Picture grid mode

In the grid forum list, you can control the structure where you can open/close images.

Close sidebar

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Fixed sidebar

You can make it more useful and easier to access by pinning the sidebar.

Corner radius close

You can use the radius at the corners of the blocks according to your taste by closing/opening it.
